Gadgets and Devices Destroy Childhood

Children make use of modern technology. It is their new means of discovering things. But gadgets and devices destroy childhood, the kind of childhood we knew in our time. There is not a lot of kids that go out and play tag. Nor hide and seek nor cowboys and indians. It has been abandoned for the more sedate play of minecraft or watching youtube videos. This does not sit well for most parents. 

Some people use these gadgets as an alternative babysitter. This is often the start of children being hooked to these devices. Or when they see older people so entranced and dependent on their cell phones and never talking with each other. Even affection is shown in messages sent through their cell phones. 

We all know prolonged use of these devices are very harmful to children’s developing brains. Most studies present medical images and proof of the harmful effects of gadgets and devices. Serious physical and mental problems could arise from long time inactivity and screen exposure. The immediate complaints would be backache and headaches and dry eyes from staring intently. This could also lead to temporary myopia. Impaired learning and cognitive delays can result from non-interaction. Conversation and interaction are important for children to reach their milestones. Social development becomes sluggish and obesity becomes a problem due to inactivity.Gadgets-and-Devices-Destroy-Childhood1

Exercise, exploration and play, active play, should be the main focus of childhood. This is the time when most of their brain synapses are actively preparing their minds for future learning. It is up to us, the adults, to try and regulate their use for their own benefit. We must encourage other kids activities, play with them or develop other hobbies that interest them. Hobbies that can one day develop into something they can focus on. Encourage them to participate in sports or dance recitals. Be mindful. If they cannot use their gadgets often then you shouldn’t either. It reinforces the message and it is only fair. 

Let the memories you keep of your children growing up be one where he participates and is smiling. It is a thousand times better than where he is alone, in a corner and languid.

Biltong, The Healthy Snack

If you have South African friends, then it is very likely that you have encountered Biltong. Perhaps even has some of it. Biltong is a delicacy one of the best known snacks in South Africa. It is dried and cured game meat with different spices. The meat could be that of beef, ostrich, kangaroo, lamb, wildebeest, impala or some other animals at hand. It doesn’t really matter what type of meat. It is in the process that makes it delicious. It is made differently from beef jerky. It has vinegar involved as well as salt, coriander, pepper and fennel seeds, although these can be optional and varied. The main difference is biltong is air dried, usually hanging from hooks instead of being smoked.

It is a surprisingly healthy snack despite its humble appearance. In fact, it is now being hailed as the post workout recovery snack of choice for carnivores. This South African treat is originally Dutch which when translated means round tongue. 

High in protein, low in sugar and fat, Biltong is naturally gluten-free. This makes it ideal for after workout snacks for people who are watching their diets or in a fitness regimen. Biltong has zinc, an important mineral for its properties in immune boosting that can help against infection and the common cold.

Cobalamin, or vitamin B12, is an essential vitamin that the body cannot produce. The body needs this for the normal function of nerve cells. It is crucial for DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation. Biltong has B12 that could support bone health and prevent osteoporosis. A good vitamin B12 levels may also improve mood and decrease the risk of severe depression.


Low energy and dizziness can sometimes be an indication of low iron or creatine. Biltong is a great source of iron especially for people with anaemia and athletes. Creatine helps the body produce energy. Enough iron in the body can fight off fatigue and help the immune system.

The best thing about it aside from being healthy? It is handy and easy to store. It’s delicious, too.

How Correct Posture Affects Long Term Health

Correct Posture Affects Long Term HealthThere are literally thousands of things we can do to promote a healthy lifestyle. Examples are avoiding to stay up late, drinking plenty of water, eating nutritious foods, doing some exercises on a daily basis, and so much more! That said, most of these routines take a lot of time and effort. Fortunately, there is one thing you can do right now that demands zero effort at all! It is time that you practice proper posture day and night. Did you know that correct posture affects long term health? If there’s a problem with your posture, you should visit a chiropractic clinic. They offer services such as posture realignment for men and women.

How Correct Posture Affects Long Term Health

A good posture is known to be vital in reducing the strain on our muscles, joints, and bones. In addition, it can improve one’s confidence and mood. Standing up straight or sitting in correct posture will probably take some time before it becomes a habit of yours. However, the physical, mental and emotional benefits of a good posture are all worth it.

As per recent studies, there is more to how correct posture affects long term health of a person. As a matter of fact, our body language, which includes the way we present ourselves through posture, influences how others perceive us. Not to mention our moods and habits. In a 2003 research by scientists from the Ohio State University, our posture has an effect to our hormones. For instance, standing tall makes us powerful.

Posture and Combatting Stress and Depression

A research from the University of Francisco showed that practicing correct posture will keep us from depression and stress. In fact, the way we carry ourselves affects our mood and energy levels. Although there are other factors that helped combat depression, a correct posture can come to our aid in our fight against depression.

Another findings from Harvard University and Columbia University illustrated that a bad posture increases our stress levels. Sitting or standing in a slouched position increases the cortisol, which is the hormone associated with stress. In addition, bad posture has an effect on our breathing. A shallow chest breathing puts a strain to our lungs, which then results to overworking our heart.

Safe Sex In An Age Of Sexual Freedom

Safe Sex In An Age Of Sexual Freedom

We now live in a progressive time that allows us to freely express our sexual desires. Asserting our sexual freedom is basically wielding our fundamental right as humans. Having said that, there are still those who think the idea behind sexual freedom is morally wrong and revolting. This is because they do not grasp the point at issue. Sexual liberation is about feeling confident and at ease in expressing one’s self to others in their own accord. However, one should not forget that safe sex in an age of sexual freedom is still befitting.

Safe Sex in an Age of Sexual Freedom

Holding back any of your sexual penchants can be pernicious, especially to your growth as a person. This is why the stress on freely exploring your sexual freedom is of great import. That said, we tend to forget the gravity of safe sex in an age of sexual freedom. It is a good thing that the country’s education system includes sex education, and the practice of safe sex in general, on their learning outcomes. Even adult venues that protect the health of their sex workers promote the practice of safe sex.

Basically, safe sex pertains to any sexual activity that does not entail an exchange in bodily fluids. In this age of sexual freedom, adolescents and young adults should be the first ones to learn about these safe practices. But the problem with this is that adults are always reckoned that they know how to have safe sex. In reality, they need the same attention as much as their younger counterparts.

There’s an unwritten rule in our society that tells us that adults should know the ins and outs about sex. However, a lot of them are prone to making high-risk decisions. For instance, U.S. data shows that three-fourths of the pregnancies in single women aged 20 to 29 were unplanned; whereas, unintended pregnancies among teens have reduced over the years. Another instance is that sexually active, single, American adults don’t use condoms when having oral sex despite science backing that sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be passed on orally.

According to health experts, safe sex in an age of sexual freedom may not be possible because of cultural taboos that surround sex. As long as the sex remains as an off limits topic, there will be people who are reluctant in discussing or consulting what they don’t know about practicing safe sex, even in the age of sexual freedom.

Social Isolation

Maintaining Community Vital For Collective Health

“Our need to connect is as fundamental as our need for food and water.” -Gareth Cook

Do you have a good social life?

Do you have lots of friends and connections? I’m not talking about the number of friends you have on Facebook or the number of followers you have on Instagram or Twitter. I’m talking about real, honest to goodness connection which involves genuine emotional relationship and face-to-face interaction.

According to research keeping a good social life has a huge and significant effect on our mental, as well as physical health. It’s been established that less than good social life has the same negative impact as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. It’s twice as harmful as obesity, even more dangerous than never exercising or being an alcoholic.

Studies suggest that being socially isolated may have a greater effect on the risk of early death. Yes, not having a social life can, in fact, shorten your life!

Social disconnection isn’t just lonely. It’s unhealthy, and it can kill you.

Dependency on Technology

Has the current technology and housing trends increased the risk of loneliness? The technology advancements we have today definitely made some major impacts into our lives. So much so that it has affected our way of social interaction.

Social media and texting has made it easier for people to avoid relationship building. People may be more connected now more than ever, but social media networks can deprive us of human interaction. Instead of interacting in person and in real time, it creates a virtual substitute for companionship.

Too often what counts for social media is in fact social isolation. People are digitally obsessed, staring at their screens when waiting for a train, or on public transport. And at home, it’s just as bad. At least watching TV was something people can do together.

Maintaining Community

Since social interactions play a critical role in health, make socialising one of your priorities – make connections. Go out and devote some time for social activities. Join different groups or local communities around your area, whether it’s a social group, a hobby group, a sports group or an Asian community in Sydney. Have fun, be active and be as social as you can.

Remaining socially active and keeping interpersonal relationships can help your well-being as it helps you maintain good physical, psychological and emotional health. Reach out to your loved ones. Being with friends and family can be one of the main sources of meaning and fulfillment in a person’s life.

Client Relationship Management For Health Clinics

Is there anything as important as our clients, or customers, in the health services industry? I would be prepared to put client relationship management at number one, in terms of running a successful health clinic. How we communicate and service our clients is, quite simply, the make or break element of this business. Of course we all start out in the industry with this proposition clearly at the forefront of our awareness, but over time, and with a growing client base this becomes more challenging. In fact, success, in terms of the number of clients attracted to your health clinic, or clinics, can pose a major obstacle in itself.

Do you have the necessary protocols and supporting technology in place to adequately service your customer base and manage the relationships therein formed? Do you have a properly structured approach to client relationship management or are you making things up on the run, so to speak? Are you analysing your data with a view to maximising sales and servicing of your client base? Customer Relationship Management (CRS) software can track client account history, allowing you to see where servicing is happening and where it is not. Opportunities for value added sales and better servicing for the client’s health can be identified through this technology.

It is a maxim of business that it is far more expensive to attract a new client than it is to increase sales revenue from an existing client. Attentive servicing also increases customer loyalty, in that the client experiences greater satisfaction by being more intensively looked after; caring is the name of the game after all. Microsoft Dynamic CRM provides a technological system which can optimise your effectiveness in this sphere. It is a far more social world that we now live in, especially in terms of our businesses, and having a highly responsive platform is vital when operating in this realm.

The pace of technological advancements in our modern world is breathtakingly rapid and the service industries are at the forefront of these advancements. Up to date informed advice in this area is a prerequisite for success. If you are not managing your client relationships at an optimal level your clients will be enticed elsewhere by those health clinics that are. Customer expectation is on a razor sharp and steep upward trend. Sitting still and doing nothing in this sphere is not a possibility.

12 Health Marketing Videos Getting the Message Across

  1. Embrace Life – Always Wear Your Seat Belt

This seatbelt campaign for Sussex Safer Roads is very effective in conveying its message to its viewers. Even without having any actual dialogue, this ad is still able to perfectly show how important seatbelts are by showing how a father’s life was saved with a seatbelt that is created in an image of his family.

  1. Our Song Commercial | UnitedHealthcare

Quite a funny ad to view that shows a couple dancing together having a merry time with each other. The wife suddenly jumps over the husband only for him to fail in catching her as they fall which definitely came out of nowhere and happened in a lighthearted and humorous manner. The ad ends by introducing simple health care system through United Healthcare.

  1. “Unsung Hero” (Official HD) : TVC Thai Life Insurance 2014

Thailand has a knack in making thought provoking and ads that are full of emotions. This is one crucial principle in marketing communications. This one in particular starts with a young man who goes the extra mile to help people around him. Even though he is not getting any profit out of the good deed, what he gets however, is something money simply can’t buy and that is happiness that is showed throughout the video. Thai Life Insurance then shows up encouraging its viewers to believe in good.

  1. Make Health Last. What will your last 10 years look like?

The same person is shown in this ad in a side comparison showing how his life is greatly determined by his health while at the same time giving its viewers the power to change their fate.

  1. The Scarecrow

This a powerful advert encouraging people to look outside of the box and find a better alternative with regards to their health choices. The animation is colorful and superb making it great for kids and adults alike.

  1. Girls Don’t Poop –

Women take high regards of their health and hygiene. This ad revolves around a woman who is using the toilet and how this can negatively affect their presence. She sits in the toilet seat for almost the entire time making it an ad that you will remember for quite some time.

  1. The Camp Gyno

This ad starts with young girl who started having her period and is teaching other girls how to handle it. She is very convincing in her role making it really funny as she imposes her authority over the other girls but is taken away from her with Hello Flo.

  1. Dove Real Beauty Sketches | You’re more beautiful than you think

Some women do not think highly of themselves. This ad from Dove shows how more beautiful they are than they think boosting their confidence as well as the confidence of women all over the world.

  1. Evian Baby & Me

Ads that include babies are considered to be an instant hit. This one in particular shows grown men and women with their baby counterparts dancing merrily which is quite a sight to behold.

  1. We Wish – CVS Health TV Commercial 2014

This ad shares in the efforts of wishing people good health by designing a program to help smokers quit the habit. It’s short, sweet and evocative.

  1. Snotty Doctor Health Insurance Commercial

A young girl mimics how a lady talks as she complains about her snotty doctor which leads to Trigon, the health company of choice, giving patients the option to get the doctors they like.

  1. – Our Blades Are F***ing Great

Short, humorous, prank and direct to the point. This ad gets its viewers pumped and ready to order some razors online.

All of these effective health marketing videos were made possible through the shared efforts of marketing communications and their clients. Create a timely ad today!



Is Auditory Processing Disorder On The Rise Or Over-Diagnosed?

What is Auditory Processing Disorder? It is a condition, most often recognised in children, when the sufferer has difficulty in separating and ordering the sounds, he or she, hears. We hear a huge variety of sounds and the brain must process these sounds, hopefully making sense of them. Recognising noises which belong to the immense variety of things and beings in the world and placing them in an understandable order. Our brains use sound to process unbelievable amounts of information. Spatial Processing Disorder is another name for this condition.

The recognition of a particular sound allows our brains to make sense spatially of our place in the world. Through sounds it locates the positioning of things, near and far. If these sounds cannot be separated as near or far it makes processing information difficult if not impossible. Think of language, the spoken word, and how vital it is to perceive the order and emphasis put on certain sounds to effectively deliver and receive oral language. If a child has problems in this area, how is, he or she, going to be able to learn anything in a classroom? How are social skills going to be learnt in the playground, if the child, cannot hear certain sounds, or differentiate between them? Sensory Processing Disorder is yet another name for this condition.

Is Auditory Processing Disorder on the increase or is it being over-diagnosed? Our awareness of the condition is relatively recent, with diagnosis first occurring in the mid nineteen nineties. It is, I think, natural to see things more often when they have just been recognised and named. Children have been struggling with learning at school since we first created schools and made them attend. Parents have been concerned about their children, especially when their children have struggled at school, for a similar period of time. We, as a community, seek to identify problems and try to rectify them; they are all good inclinations. The advent of the auditory processing disorder clinic is a positive societal progression. I would also posit that there is a far greater variety of unnatural sounds and noises than ever before; more background noises in our urban areas. Machines and technology are making more and more noises; and our children are playing more with technology than with the natural world. Is it any surprise that APD would be on the rise?

Anything that helps our children learn and helps them process reality is going to be useful. Anything that contributes to our understanding of how our human brains work is going to be a force for good. I do have one caveat, however, and that is to beware of the inclination to categorise and classify humans according to narrow definitions of what is wrong with them; what is not working at its optimal standard. See the whole being rather than any label affixed to them by society, or professionals working on our behalf.

Adrenal Fatigue – Is It Real?

Adrenal Fatigue is the latest buzzword in fashionable twenty first ailments. It seems to be a holdall for an incredible variety of symptoms besetting the wealthy, well fed, Westerner. It is a corporate complaint, very popular among the denizens of those glass and steel city towers, as they sit at their desks confronting their computer screens. It is very easy to be cynical about the myth of modern illnesses, syndromes and chronic conditions, but a look at the evidence is what is called for.

Is it real, this Adrenal Fatigue, and what does that even mean? What is fatigued? Our ability to produce adrenaline? Epinephrine, or adrenaline, is a hormone secreted by our bodies during the fight or flight response; when humans are faced with extreme danger. It gives us extra energy to react quicker and with more force to life threatening situations. How does this relate to those suffering from a form of burn-out in today’s modern world? Well, the theory behind the condition postulates that people who work in unrelentingly stressful environments run out of their natural hormonal response to perceived stress and their immune systems are then chronically compromised.

It is this immune system failure which results in the variety and multiplicity of symptoms experienced by the sufferer of adrenal fatigue. So, you can get a diverse collection of ailments in individual cases of the condition and not the uniformity of symptomatic reactions you would usually see in more recognised diseases. It is this variety of symptomatic manifestations, which has created the distrust in many professional and lay attitudes towards the condition. Bottom line, however, is that these people are often very sick and need to be treated, effectively and, in my opinion, with respect.

Often, you will see that these people do not respond to normal treatments for things like colds and flus, they do not get better quickly, their symptoms linger. They may have difficulty sleeping and when they do sleep, they often do not feel refreshed after sleep and have trouble waking up. They are often fatigued and feel, generally, run-down. They may also share symptoms with those suffering depression, and adrenal fatigue is often misdiagnosed as depression. Which can exacerbate the problem if they are then prescribed anti-depressive medications.

There are some similarities with patients who have experienced traumas, in that their bodies do not have the ability to naturally heal themselves after severe traumatic experiences. They are burnt-out, their reserves of anti-stress responses have been exhausted. They need rest, a complete break from stressful environments, which usually entails the cessation of their work, career, whatever it was. It is time for a new start in a new direction. This fact is often the hardest thing for the sufferer of adrenal fatigue to accept; it is the first step on the way to healing a possibly lengthy illness.